Even with the launch of the Edge browser in 2015, Microsoft’s browser was not widely adopted and suffered from slow speeds and a lack of features. Microsoft hasn’t been taken seriously as a browser developer in over a decade.

Edge can be modified with either Chrome extensions or Microsoft’s own Edge extensions.Edge and Chrome are the two fastest browsers we’ve reviewed, although Edge consumes memory more efficiently.

Chrome and Edge both collect their users’ personal data for advertising purposes.Since 2020, Microsoft Edge has run on the Chromium engine.We’ll compare these two browsers side by side in this Microsoft Edge vs Chrome overview. It fell out of favor in the years following Google Chrome’s rise to popularity in 2008 and has now been discontinued, but its successor, Microsoft Edge, is a major improvement. Microsoft once dominated the web browser market with its iconic Internet Explorer browser. Last Updated: 06 Sep'23 T10:14:17+00:00 Facts checked by Jasna Mishevska
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